Table 3: Work wellbeing: Paired Samples t-test results.

- Mean (SD) N t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Work satisfaction pre-test 2.72 (.42) 26 -3.387 25 .002*
post-test 3.02 (.39) 26
Organizational respect
for the employee
pre-test 2.46 (.45) 26 -3.277 25 .003*
post-test 2.77 (.37) 26
Employer care pre-test 2.43 (.61) 26 -3.062 25 .005*
post-test 2.77 (.47) 26
Intrusion of work
into private life
pre-test 1.81 (.67) 26 -1.076 25 .292
post-test 1.90 (.66) 26
Overall mean pre-test 2.48 (.37) 26 -3.757 25 .001*
post-test 2.70 (.29) 26

(*p <.05) (Items of factor 4 were reverse scored when calculating the overall mean. Higher overall score indicates better work wellbeing)