Table 1: Distribution of cases according to some risk factors

Age No. Case =450 % UTIs % chi-square
18-20 year 70 15.6 28 22.8 11.3011*
21-30 year 263 58.4 51 41.5
31-40 year 117 26 44 35.7
Marital status No. Case =450 % UTIs % chi-square
Married women 300 66.7 94 76.4 4.2803*
Unmarried women 150 33.3 29 23.6
Gravidity No. Case =150 % UTIs % chi-square
1 66 44 19 20.2 14.59*
2 33 22 27 28.7
3 and more 51 34 48 51.1
Gestational age No. Case=150 % UTIs % chi-square
1st 30 20 15 28.3 5.31
2nd 33 22 17 32.1
3rd 87 58 21 39.6
Residency No. Case =450 % UTIs % chi-square
Rural 225 50 89 72.4 19.49*
Urban 225 50 34 27.6
Educational level No. Case =450 % UTIs % chi-square
Illiterate 218 48.4 77 62.6 14.57*
High school level 123 27.3 35 28.5
Diploma or college level 109 24.3 11 8.9
Occupation No. Case =450 % UTIs % chi-square
Housewife 316 70.2 81 65.9 0.8663
Employer 134 29.8 42 34.1