Table 3: The differences between empathy means of sociodemographic characteristics of participants. n = (202).

Variables Mean SD F p Tukey Post hoc test
<19 87.31 14.70 0.79 0.57
19-21 92.94 16.44
22-24 94.02 16.95
25-27 88.67 14.81
First 87.53 12.74 3.30 .021
Second 89.29 14.32 *First < Fourth
Third 94.78 16.99
Fourth 96.44 17.98
Average 90.89 18.60 0.12 0.94
Good 92.84 16.53
Very good 93.57 16.84
Excellent 92.86 13.56
Preferred practice area
People oriented specialties 95.67 17.24 1.61 0.20
Technology oriented specialties 90.93 16.43
Not decided 92.70 14.78
Male 87.67 13.42 -3.24 0.002
Female 95.33 17.05
Preferred nursing as a profession
Yes 94.52 17.41 1.89 0.06
No 90.18 14.04
Intent to work as a nurse
Yes 93.28 16.91 0.22 0.82
No 92.63 14.80
Underwent communication course
Yes 93.73 16.60 0.90 0.36
No 91.33 16.02

Note: Only significant comparisons of post hoc tests are presented. *: significant difference between first and fourth year.