Table 2: Staphylococcus aureus CFU readings on different surfaces before and after cleaning/disinfection. Três Lagoas, MS, Brazil, 2014.

Surfaces Time of cleaning P†
Before After
Median CFU
(S. aureus)
Variation CFU
(S. aureus)
(S. aureus)
Variation CFU
(S. aureus)
Side of the bed (n=16)‡ 3 0.0-22 0.5 0.0-360 0.458
Bedside table (n=16) 1 0.0-270 0.0 0.0-11 0.050
Bathroom door handle (n=16) 12 0.0-150 8.5 0.0-49 0.176
Toilet bowl (n=16) 17.5 0.0-330 16 2-35 0.181
Toilet flush handle (n=16) 10.5 2-390 3.5 1-16 0.040

P† refers to the Wilcoxon signed-rank test at p<0.05. ‡ corresponds to the eight surfaces assessed before and after cleaning/disinfection.