Table 3: Factors related to non-adherence to immunosuppressive medication.

Variable Total Non-adherent
χ2 test
p value
Gender 117 0.550
  Male 58 19(32.8) 39(67.2)
  Female 59 16(27.1) 43(72.9)
Age 0.510
  18-49 y/o 32 11(34.4) 21(65.6)
  50-74 y/o 85 24(28.2) 61(71.8)
Marital status 111 0.070
  Married or cohabitant 75 20(26.7) 55(73.3)
  Living alone 36 15(41.7) 21(58.3)
Educational level 111 0.690
  Elementary level 25 6(24.0) 19(76.0)
  Secondary/vocational level 59 21(35.6) 38(64.4)
  University level 27 8(29.6) 19(70.4)
Ability to work 110 0.008
  Working full time or part time 53 23(43.4) 30(56.6)
  Unable to work 57 12(21.0) 45(79.0)