Table 3: Between-group comparisons of dependent variables (n = 98).

Category Process Treatment group (n = 49) Control group (n = 49) Test statistic p-value
Anxiety Pre 9.76 ± 2.60 9.76 ± 4.21 0.323 .571
Post 4.33 ± 2.97 7.82 ± 3.97 85.71 < .001
Post-pre -5.43 ± 2.59 -1.43 ± 1.73 8.97 < .001
Depression Pre 10.51 ± 3.05 10.16 ± 3.61 0.089 .776
Post 6.39 ± 3.29 8.96 ± 3.14 54.69 < .001
Post-pre -4.12 ± 2.20 -1.20 ± 1.73 7.29 < .001
Uncertainty Pre 102.78 ± 8.75 99.29 ± 14.85 1.458 .23
Post 74.35 ± 10.96 95.61 ± 12.76 193.07 < .001
Post-pre -28.43 ± 10.44 -3.67 ± 7.32 13.59 < .001
Care satisfaction Pre 41.08 ± 6.21 41.61 ± 8.05 0.005 .944
Post 52.41 ± 5.45 43.63 ± 7.81 175.39 < .001
Post-pre 11.32 ± 4.36 2.02 ± 2.90 12.44 < .001

p-value based on an analysis of covariance with age and sex as covariates.
p-value based on an analysis of covariance with pre-test score, age, and sex as covariates.