Table 4: Themes, sub-themes, and participants’ statements about cooperation barriers in collaboration implementation for the care of patient with ACS in emergency departments

Theme Sub-themes Participant’ statement/keyword
Unclear nursing job description The job duties still overlap “In the pre-conference session conducted regularly, you also have to manage the work tasks, divide it and delegate it to other nursing staff. I just ask myself, is it my duty? dividing the task should be involved in head of ward responsibility, not me…, whose job is it?” (P5)Sometimes, we experience overlapping of tasks. In some parts, nurses completing duties that should have be conducted by physicians, even though nurses do not want to do that actually. However, because our goal is patient safety, most nurses still keep on that, here there is a problem. The main obstacle that we still do a lot of action that really is not our job as nurses.” (P9)
“I should deliver an infusion therapy, injection, and suturing the wound. Those aren’t my duties, the tasks are merely delegated verbally, unwritten.” (P11)
Male nurses do more urgent services than female nurses “… I think the men job was blur. In emergency field, as you can see, always male allocated here. There is limited number of female nurses in the emergency ward” (P4)
“If another room needs resuscitation help, usually we are nurses of men who often come, female nurses a little dodge.” (P12)