Table 1: Demographic and clinical data of elderly patients with COPD (n=200).

Variable - Frequency Percentage
Gender Male 180 90
Female 20 10
Marital status Married 194 97
Single 1 0.5
Widow 4 2
Divorced 1 0.5
Education level Illiterate 87 43.5
School 62 31
Diploma 42 21
Higher education 9 4.5
Living status Wife 70 35
Wife and children 92 46
Children 25 12.5
Relatives 1 0.5
Alone 12 6
Insurance Yes 176 88.5
No 24 11.5
Income adequacy Yes 30 15
No 159 79.5
Somewhat 11 5.5
Employment status Retired 194 97
Labour 1 0.5
Self-employment 5 2.5
Use respiratory aids Yes 161 80.5
No 39 19.5