Table 1: Inclusion and exclusion criteria in search strategy and review.

- - Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
Criterion 1: Year of publication From 2008 to 2019 Published before 2008
Criterion 2: Language Literature in published in or translated in English language. Published in any language other than English language.
Criterion 3: Terms, concepts, keywords Black nurses, Black African nurses, Black students, Black African students, African born nurses, African born student nurses, immigrant nurses, internationally educated nurses, foreign educated nurses, International nursing students,  
Criterion 4: Context and field of practice Nursing education, Practice or professional context. Study conducted in or addressed the United States context Non nursing studies, conducted outside the US or not addressing US context
Criterion 5: Publication Peer reviewed and published in a nursing journal. Published empirical studies in valid peer‐reviewed nursing journals CINAHL PubMed, EBSCOhost, PsycINFO, OVID, and Google Scholar. Non-peer reviewed reports.
Criterion 6: Methodology Original research study (quantitative, qualitative or mixed method studies) Non-original research reports, Integrative or literature review research reports, opinion pieces.
Criterion 7: Population Subjects or participants must be exclusively or include Black African nurses or nursing students. Be nurse or students focused. Reports did not separate findings about Black African Born Nurses and student nurses. Studies not focused on nurses (including patients, families, broad health service professions, and otherwise unidentified care workers), integration and transition policies not focused on nurses and/or student experiences.