Table 5: Correlation between Burnout and Quality of Life Dimensions (n=170).

Burnout dimension Quality of life dimensions Total QOL score
Physical component score Mental component score
r p r p r p
Emotional exhaustion -0.098 0.202 -0.388* < 0.001* -0.368* < 0.001*
Personal accomplishment -0.097 0.206 -0.124 0.107 -0.145 0.058
Depersonalization 0.117 0.127 -0.091 0.236 -0.027 0.723
Total burnout score -0.067 0.387 -0.374* < 0.001* -0.343* < 0.001*

r: Pearson coefficient *: Statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05.