Table 4: Participants' individual responses to osteoporosis self-efficacy (out of 10).

Sr. No. Efficacy Item Mean SD
1. Begin a new or different exercise program 6.69 2.7
2. Change your exercise habits 6.58 2.6
3. Put forth the effort required to exercise 6.65 2.6
4. Do exercises even if they are difficult 6.31 2.9
5. Exercise for the appropriate length of time 6.72 2.7
6. Do the type of exercises that you are supposed to do 7.02 2.7
7. Increase your calcium intake 6.98 2.7
8. Change your diet to include more calcium rich food 6.77 2.7
9. Eat calcium rich foods as often as you are supposed to do 6.79 2.8
10. Select appropriate foods to increase your calcium intake 6.87 2.8
11. Stick to a diet which gives an adequate amount of calcium 6.59 2.8
12. Obtain foods that give an adequate amount of calcium even when they are not readily available 5.98 2.9