Table 6: Differences in mean rank IU scores according to personal characteristics (N = 284).

Personal characteristics Mean Rank Test P-Value
Country Saudi Arabia 19,530 Mann-Whitney U =
< .001**
Egypt 20,940
Gender Male 141.94 Mann-Whitney U = 1477 .227
Female 156.25
Residence Urban 131.80 Mann-Whitney U = 5830 < .001**
Rural 170.76
Birth order within the family First 163.68 Kruskal-Wallis Test
Chi-Squared = 13.994
Second 151.56
Third 119.97
Fourth 146.34
Fifth or higher 124.34
Mother’s education Read and write 128.53 Kruskal-Wallis Test
Chi-Squared = 16.589
< .001**
School stage 135.92
University 162.47
Higher education 103.47
Father's education Read and write 124.14 Kruskal-Wallis Test
Chi-Squared = 27.784
< .001**
School stage 117.98
University 173.28
Higher education 123.63
Does the father work? Yes 148.14 Mann-Whitney U =
No 125.89
Are you satisfied with online education? Yes 132.19 Mann-Whitney U = 8661.5 .042*
No 151.98
Are you satisfied with online exams? Yes 132.54 Mann-Whitney U = 8619.5 .035*
No 153.04

** significant at the .01 level (2-tailed).
* significant at the .05 level (2-tailed).