Table 1: The Highest and lowest mean item scores for the academic self-efficacy and stress scale (N = 117).

Items M SD Min Max
Least stressful tasks
  Making friends at school 2.63 3.17 0 10
  Doing well on my toughest tests 2.72 2.72 0 10
  Participating in class discussions 2.77 2.87 0 10
Most stressful tasks - - - -
  Having more test in the same week 6.35 3.03 0 10
  Talking to college staff 5.58 3.49 0 10
  Doing well on exams 5.35 3.25 0 10
Total scale 4.16 .99 2.64 6.35
Least confident tasks - - - -
  Managing time effectively 5.81 2.88 1.0 10
  Managing both school and work 5.83 3.21 0 10
  Having more test in the same week 5.84 2.75 0 10
Most confident - - - -
  Participating in class discussions 8.00 2.24 0 10
  Making friends at school 7.95 2.36 0 10
  Doing well on my toughest tests 7.57 2.43 0 10
total scale 6.74 .64 5.73 8.01