Table 4: Eating and Mealtime Related Activities Associated with Nutritional Status (0 = Better Score, 1 = Worse Score, Logistic Regression, Forward Conditional Method) Among Stroke Survivors

Exp (B) 95% CI for Exp (B) p-Value
Constant 0.232 0.005
Gender (0 = woman) 0.248 0.069-0.888 0.032
Ingestion 9.995 1.607-62.189 0.014
Buying food 10.221 2.797-37.347 0.000

Hosmer and Lemeshow Test,p-value 0.098,Chi-square 9.305,Overall Percentage correct 60.3%Cox & Snell R Square 0.348,Nagelkerke R Square 0.471.Variables not significantly associated with nutritional status: age,cooking,swallowing and energy to eat.