Table 3: Respiratory Scenario- Proportion of Participants who Performed Correctly in Early and Late Phases of Each Scenario (n= 34)

Observation or Action Subtle Cues (1-4 Mins) Obvious Cues (4-7.5 Mins) Paired Sample-Repeated Measures t-Test
Parameter % Correct Parameter % Correct t df Significance (2-Tailed); 95% CI
BP 135/95 97.1 170/95 52.9 4.59 33 0.000 (CI: 0.25-0.64)
HR 100 72.7 140 41.2 3.22 32 0.003 (CI: 0.12-0.54)
RR 28 50.0 32 14.7 4.24 34 0.000 (CI: 0.18-0.52)
CRT 2 secs 0.0 2 secs 2.9 -1.00 32 NS: 0.33(CI:-0.09-0.03)
Oxygen saturation 90% 82.4 89% 70.6 1.28 33 NS: 0.21 (CI: -0.07-0.31)
Temperature 38.8 47.1 N/A -
Peak Flow (320L/Min) 400 L/Min 0.0 N/A -
Early Action
Obtain immediate history 76.5
Investigate current medication usage 21.2
Identify symptoms/negative features 21.2
Auscultate chest 67.6
Administer oxygen 94.1
Late Action
Call for urgent assistance 63.6
Position appropriately 91.2
Request IV cannulation 61.8
Request nebuliser 58.8
Consider antibiotics 15.2
Consider non-invasive vent 11.8
Sub-total cues 52.5% 44.6%
Overall: combined cues 48.6%

NS: non-significant change between early and late performance.