Table 2: Characteristics of the Study Population

Variable Males (n= 10) Females (n=11)

Age (yr) 1 52 (22-65) 44 (19-61)

Duration of DM (yr) 1 8.5 (3-16) 8 (3-21)

Treatment (n)
Oral agents 8 5
Insulin 2 6
Combination (oral agents and insulin) 0 0

Years spent in school 1 11.5 (7-17) 9 (7-15)

Educational level (n)
Primary 1 3
Secondary 4 6
College 3 2
University 2 0

Current working conditions (n)
Gainfully employed 6 2
Unemployed 1 7
Pensioner 2 1
Student 1 1

Family circumstances (n)
Married 7 6
Single 1 1
Divorced 1 2
Widowed 1 2

Self-reported complications related to diabetes (n)
Eyes 7 4
Feet/lower extremities 1 4
Kidneys 0 1
Hypertension 2 0
Body weakness 0 3
No complications 0 1

1 Median (range).