Table 3: Indicators for Hospital or ICU Admission for Patients with Exacerbationsa

Hospital Admission1
  • Advanced age or very little family/home support
  • Uncertain diagnosis
  • Severe disease/increased severity or frequency of symptoms
  • Development of new symptoms, such as peripheral edema and cyanosis
  • Significant comorbidities
  • Newly occurring arrhythmias
ICU Admission
  • Severe breathlessness, unresponsive to initial therapy
  • Confusion, lethargy, coma or other changes in mental status
  • Hypercapnia, respiratory acidosis or worsening hypoxemia despite appropriate interventions
  • Requirement for invasive mechanical ventilation
  • Hemodynamic instability, e.g. tachycardia, arrhythmias or hypotension

1 Local resources should be considered.
ICU=intensive care unit.
a Please refer to reference [5] as cited in text.