Table 3: Response Rate and Descriptions of the Participants

Backgrounds Questions Total (n) Percent (%) Male/Female (n)

Number of questionnaires distributed 582 100
Answered questionnaires/response rate 408 70.1 17/383*
Dropouts 174 29.9

Present position
Leader, project leader, care developer 67 16.4 6/61
Registered nurse 6/61 25.9 3/103
Occupational therapist 61 15.0 1/60
Physiotherapist 11 2.7 2/9
Assistant nurse 77 18.9 2/75
Care administrator 77 18.9 3/74
Missing data 9 2.2

20-29 18 4.3 3/15
30-39 63 15.7 3/60
40-49 121 29.6 3/118
50-59 143 35.0 6/137

60-69 55 13.4 2/53
Missing data 8 2.0

* Data missing for 8 respondents.