Table 3: The Factor Structure by the Use of Oblique Varimax Rotation

Factors in OTSWI Item Item Scale Correlation Cronbach’s Alfa
1. Fatigue (F) I am physically tired .81 .90
I have no energy .82
I feel lazy and listless .83
2. Joint and muscle pain (JMP) My muscles are aching .81 .87
My joints are aching .79
My legs are aching .72
3. Cognitive functioning (CF) I have difficulties to remember .89 .84
I find it hard to concentrate .66
4. Basic ADL (BADL) Due to my physical condition I can’t get dressed by myself .98 .92
Due to my physical condition I can’t take a bath or shower .96
Due to my physical condition I can’t buy food by my self .84
5. Sleeping problems (SP) I have difficulties with falling asleep .87 .89
I sleep poorly .88
I wake up during the night .83
6. Mood (M) I feel irritated .74 .82
I feel angry .86
7. Foot pain (FP) There is a burning ache in my feet .86 .81
There is a numb and stabbing feeling in my feet .88
8. Economy (E) I worry about not being able to keep my job due to my health condition .88 .81
I worry about my economy due to my health condition .84