Table 2: Strategies to Facilitate Integration into Clinical Units

Understanding the circumstances of NGNs Collecting information about NGNs from preceptors and staff nurses
Identifying changes in the attitudes and behavior of NGNs
Sharing information about NGNs in clinical units
Providing opportunities for experience and learning Creating opportunities to learn by observing senior nurses
Giving NGNs opportunities to have practical experience
Devising a better work schedule
Addressing mistakes made by NGNs
Accepting the low level of practice skills of NGNs and not setting overly high goals
Supporting nurses who teach NGNs Reducing the burden on nurses who teach NGNs
Giving educational advice to preceptors and other staff nurses
Talking to nurses to encourage their active involvement in the teaching of NGNs
Facilitating self-leaning Facilitating autonomous thinking and learning
Recommending learning at own pace
Giving recognition and praise for what NGNs are able to do
Promoting awareness of being a nurse in the clinical unit Making NGNs aware that they are licensed nurses
Providing NGNs with roles
Strengthening the sense of comradeship in clinical units Approaching the sense of belonging of both staff nurses and NGNs
Telling NGNs that they are valuable human resources
Emphasizing to staff that NGNs are their colleagues
Emphasizing that everyone should foster NGNs
Facilitating communication in clinical units by encouraging everyone to freely expression their own opinions