Table 4: PR 25 variables impact on quality of life at five years following treatment. Multiple regression analysis (n=81).

95 % C-I1) for Odds ratio
B P lower Upper
Sexual activity 0.18 0.91 -0.00 0.09
Sexual functioning 0.04 0.72 -0.17 0.17
Urinary functioning -0.11 0.32 -0.36 0.12
Hormone related symptoms -0.38 <0.00* -0.90 -0.20

Dependent variable Quality of Life. Independent variables PRBOW, PRAID excluded due to drop outs R Square 23.5%. Adjusted R for small sample 19.4%.
1) C-I, Confidence interval
* Sig. value <0.05
Collinearity statistics, Tolerance 0.70 – 0.96, VIF 1.42 – 1.04