Table 2: Description of the Staff Sample that Filled in the Questionnaire

N %
Male 12 20.6
Female 45 77.5
Undeclared 1 1.9
Total 58 100%
N %
Up to 34 years 11 18.9
Between 35 and 44 years 24 41.4
Between 45 and 54 year 18 31.1
Over 54 years 2 3.4
Undeclared 3 5.2
Total 58 100%
Employment Pattern
N %
Full-time 49 84.4
Part-time 9 15.6
Total 58 100%
Staff Category
N %
Physicians 4 6.9
Nurses 24 41.3
Physiotherapists 7 12.0
HCA 13 22.4
DH/professional workers 9 15.5
Undeclared 1 1.9
Total 58 100%
Years of Work at the CRF
N %
Less then 5 years 12 20.6
Between 15 and 24 years 36 62.1
Over 25 years 6 10.4
Undeclared 4 6.9
Total 58 100%