Table 1: Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Chinese Nurses (N =743)

Characteristics Frequsency (%)

Age in years (mean, SD) (30.19, 7.23)
20 – 25 112 (15.07)
26 – 30 231 (31.90)
31 – 35 278 (37.42)
36 – 40 78 (10.49)
Over 40 44 (5.92)

Educational level
Certificate (technical school) 22 (2.96)
Diploma (college or high school) 397 (53.43)
Undergraduate degree 306 (41.18)
Master’s degree or above 18 (2.42)

Marital status
Single 208 (28.00)
Divorced 83 (11.17)
Married 452 (60.83)

Specialty nursing area
Medical/geronotological 312 (41.99)
Surgical/orthopaedic/operating theatre 190 (25.57)
ICU/critical care 98 (13.19)
Obstetric/gynaecologic 76 (10.23)
Others (e.g, A&E and day care centre) 67 (9.02)

Post-registration nursing experience
Less than one year 63 (8.48)
1-5 years 287 (38.63)
6-10 years 147 (19.78)
11-13 years 154 (20.73)
More than 13 years 92 (12.38)

Nursing research course undertaken in previous three years
Yes 373 (50.20)
No 370 (49.80)

Participation in clinical research
Yes 116 (15.61)
No 627 (84.39)