Table 3: Characteristics of subjects in the active test food and placebo groups.

Characteristic Placebo Active p
Subjects, n 26 30 -
Male, n 5 6 1.00
Age, years 56.85 ± 6.61 57.23 ± 6.67 0.83
Height, cm 160.48 ± 4.95 157.71 ± 7.51 0.83
Body weight, kg 56.42 ± 8.29 58.4 ± 11.11 0.12
Body mass index, kg/m2 21.86 ± 2.73 23.37 ± 3.35 0.14
JKOM 1, mm 41.96 ± 19.36 43.70 ± 19.12 0.07
JKOM 2–5, points 25.88 ± 7.88 25.87 ± 8.40 0.67
Intake rate, % 99.31 ± 1.90 99.76 ± 1.39 0.94