Table 2: CMA nutritional management (BF, pHF, and other milks).

Breastfeeding (BF)​​ Partially Hydrolyzed Formula (pHF)​​ Other Milks​​​
• BF strongly encouraged through at least 6-12 months of age or longer (all 3 Guidelines)
• In BF infants with CMA symptoms, mother needs to follow strict CMP-free diet + Ca supplement* (all 3 Guidelines)

     *Ca supplement 1000mg/day spread across day (ESPGHAN) [13]
• pHF not recommended (all the Guidelines) [13, 14, 24, 25]    • Other mammalian milks not recommended (DRACMA) [14, 25]
   • Strict avoidance of unmodified soy, rice, almond, coconut, chestnut; goat and sheep milks (ESPGHAN) [13]
   • Goat milk or other formulas containing large amounts of intact protein inappropriate alternatives (AAP) [24]