Table 1: Parentage and identity statistics across 16 loci used for STR analyses of Montagu’s harriers.
NAall: mean number of alleles across all loci; PICall: polymorphism information content across all loci; NE-1P and NE-2P: combined non-exclusion probability for two possible parents when the genotype of the correct parent is unknown (1P) or known (2P). NE-PP: combined non-exclusion probability for parent pairs. NE-I and NE-SI: probability of mistaken identity between two randomly-chosen individuals (I) or full-sibs (SI).

Parameter Value/Probability
NAall 9.8
PICall 0.7
NE-1P 5.9*10-4
NE-2P 3.8*10-6
NE-PP 5.5*10-10
NE-I 1.7*10-16
NE-SI 1.2*10-6