Fig. (2) Above, the Late Triassic rauisuchian Postosuchus, originally described as a theropod dinosaur. Below, skeletal characters of the Triassic archosaur Postosuchus (formerly called a thecodont), compared to tyrannosaurids. In innumerable skeletal characters and proportions it is quite close to theropod dinosaurs, and were it not for a single character complex, the ankle, Postosuchus could easily be considered a ceratosaurian theropod [50]. Theropod convergence has also been documented in several primitive Late Triassic paracrocodilians (Effigia and Carnufex), as well as in Poposaurus, a Late Triassic pseudosuchian, described variously as a dinosaur, phytosaur and rauisuchian. Image and table from Chatterjee [50], with permission.