Table 3: Comparison of the songs in Part I that are not a trill or churr, elements upslur and downslur, tempo is steady, and pitch falls.

Species Relative emphasis (how emphatic) (1–5; 1 = lowest) Relative airiness (1–4; 1 = least) Easilyaudible>200 m away?
Black-throated Trogon 1 3 No
Cocoa Woodcreeper 3 2 Yes
Black-striped Woodcreeper 5 1 Yes
Spotted Antbird 3 4 No
White-flanked Antwren (two notes) 1 3 No
White-flanked Antwren (series) 4 2 No
Brownish Twistwing 2 2 No
Bright-rumped Attila 5 1 Yes