Table 1: Pre-operative, attempted and post-operative spherical equivalent refraction for LASIK only and LASIK Xtra groups.

- LASIK only LASIK Xtra P value
Pre-operative SE (D) -9.42 ± 0.97 -9.45 ± 1.83 0.785
Pre-operative range (D) -6.00 to -12.25 -6.63 to -15.50
Attempted SE (D) -9.56 ± 0.86 -9.40 ± 1.47 0.497
Attempted range (D) -7.00 to -11.63 -6.88 to -13.50
Post-operative 3 months SE (D) +0.26 ± 0.34 +0.36 ± 0.42 0.243
Post-operative 3 months range (D) -0.25 to +1.00 -0.50 to +1.25
Post-operative 6-12 months SE (D) - +0.33 ± 0.46
Post-operative 6-12month range (D) - -0.38 to +1.25

SE = Spherical equivalent; D = Diopter. Data are mean ± standard deviation unless otherwise indicated.