Table 2: Progression trend of AMD from early to advanced level [93-100].

Stage of AMD Number and size of drusen Other abnormalities Management
1 Normal aging No drusen or signs of few small (<63 µm) sized drusen in one/both eyes, or medium sized drusen in one eye No signs of pigmentation
2 Early AMD Presence of few medium (63-125 µm) sized drusen in one or both eyes Pigmentation Modification of
diet and lifestyle
3 Intermediate Extensive medium drusen in both eyes or at least one large drusen in one eye Geographical atrophy without macular involvement
4 Advanced dry AMD Large drusen (>125 µm) drusen or extensive medium in both eyes Geographical atrophy extending to macula Lifestyle management, Anti-oxidant supplements
5 Advanced neovascular AMD Extensive large drusen in the fovea in both eyes besides hemorrhage and scars CNV, fluid leakage, RPE detachment, Visual acuity less than 20/32 Anti-VEGF therapy, laser therapy