Table 1: Characteristics of patients.

All patients
Quantity (percent)
Study group
Quantity (percent)
Control group
Quantity (percent)
P (comparison between two groups)
Division by age
18-30 29 (34.1%) 10 (34.5%) 19 (33.9%) 1
31-45 30 (35.3)% 9 (31.0%) 21 (37.5%) 0.64
46-60 17 (20%) 6 (20.7%) 11 (19.6%) 1
60 + 6 (7.1%) 4 (13.8%) 2 (3.6%) 0.17
Division by sex
Males 70 (82.4%) 25 (86.2%) 45 (80.4%) 0.56
Females 15 (17.6%) 4 (13.8%) 11 (19.6)
Severity of fracture by Gustillo-Anderson
IIIA 38 (44.7%) 9 (31%) 29 (51.8%) 0.106
IIIB 40 (47.1%) 16 (55.2%) 24 (42.9%) 0.36
IIIC 7 (8.2%) 4 (13.8%) 3 (5.4%) 0.22
Localization of injury
Upper third 10 (11.8%) 2 (6.9%) 8 (14.3%) 0.48
Middle third 50 (58.8%) 18 (62.1%) 32 (57.1%) 0.81
Lower third 21 (24.7%) 7 (24.1%) 14 (25%) 1
Polytrauma 28 (39.2%) 11 (37.9%) 17 (30.4%) 0.62
Condition during addmission
Stable 28 (32.9%) 8 (27.6%) 20 (35.7%) 0.47
Border 33 (38.8%) 13 (44.8%) 20 (35.7%) 0.48
Unstable 22 (25.9%) 7 (24.1%) 15 (26.8%) 1
Critical 2 (2.4%) 1 (3.4%) 1 (1.8%) 1