Table 4: Comparison of the treatment results.

Study group Control group P
Flap necrosis, quantity (percent) 7 (24.1%) 15 (26.8%) 1
Deep wound infection,
quantity (percent)
4 (13.8%) 24 (42.9% 0.0076
Necrosis of the tibia segment,
quantity (percent)
3 (10.3%) 28 (50%) 0.0003
Duration of hospital treatment, days 59.96+/-7.15 104.92+/-9.08 0.0003
quantity (percent)
7 (24.1%) 25 (44.6%) 0.097
Chronic osteomyelitis,
quantity (percent)
5 (17.2%) 30 (53.6%) 0.0012

We have included two clinical cases from the study group.