Table 1: Summary of the study measures.

Construct Perspective of Score Measuring Tool Score Unit/Range Reliability
Outcome (Dependent) Variables
Pain Self-report


Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) – Pain Subscale [24-26]

Numeric rating scale (NRS) of Pain [27-29]

Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) [30]
0-10 (5 pain items)

11 grade (0-10) pain rating scale

0-4 (13 items)
ICC ≥ 0.89, α > 0.90 [26]

Sensitivity=71% (for score of 1) [27, 28], ICC=.74 [29]

α = 0.92 (with outpatients) [33]
Functional Timed performance


FIT-HaNSA (Functional Impairment Test-Head and Neck, Shoulder, Arm) [32]

Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) – Disability Subscale [24-26, 57]

QuickDASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand) [29, 34-39]
Average time in second for the 3 tasks that require lifting at waist-level, lifting at eye-level or overhead manipulation for up to 5 minutes.

0-10 (8 disability items)

Disability/symptom (11 items, scored 1-5)
ICC have ranged from .79-.98 [10]

ICC ≥ .89, α > .90 [26]

ICC=.90-.94 [36, 37]
Health Status Self-report : Physical and Mental Component Summary (PCS and MCS) SF-12 (v2 health survey) [40] 0-5 (12 items), finally PCS and MCS scores are converted range of 0 to 100 ICC ≥ .77, α > .77 [58, 59]
Predictor (Independent) Variables: Psychophysical factors
Pressure Pain Sensitivity Pressure pain threshold and pain tolerance Computerized JTech algometer [43] Pressure level at uncomfortable and intolerable are determined in muscle and bone ICC range = .73-.99 [41, 42]
Vibration Sensation Threshold Threshold value of vibration sensation JTech vibrometer [46]

50Hz Ramped protocol and threshold determined in micrometers. ICC = .86- .89 [46]

Current Perception Threshold Threshold value of current perception Neurometer CPT/C [47, 48, 54] 1-25 (R-CPT protocol, 5Hz) Sensitivity = 73-92% [47, 48, 54]
Patient factor (Covariate )
Comorbidity Self-report Katz comorbidity index [10] 0-3 (12 items score) ICC = .91 [55]