Table 5: Regression models describing patient’s factors predictors of pain, function and health status (n=44)

Construct Measure Dependent Variable Covariates in the model: beta (p values) are shown Model
Age Gender Comorbidity R2 p value
Pain SPADI-Pain .15 (38) .20 (.21) .32 (.07) .15 .10
NRS of Pain .27 (.11) -.08 (.62) .16 (.37) .16 .08
PainCS .20 (.22) .16 (.30) .52(.004)** .19 .04*
Function FIT-HaNSA -.42 (.01) .04 (.81) -.15 (.37) .27 .01**
SPADI-Disability .43(.004)** .06 (.65) .30 (.06) .36 <.001**
QuickDASH .26 (.11) .14 (.37) .37 (.04)* .25 .01**
Health Status SF12-PCS -.16 (.32) -.20 (.20) -.40(.02)* .21 .03*
SF1-2MCS .33 (.04)* .07 (.63) -.55(.002)** .28 .005**

Abbreviations and Symbols: DASH, Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand; FIT-HaNSA, (Functional Impairment Test-Head and Neck, Shoulder, Arm); MCS, Mental Component Summary; NRS, Numeric Rating Scale; PainCS, Pain Catastrophizing Scale; PCS, Physical Component Summary; SPADI, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index; R2, Coefficient of determination; SF12, Short Form 12-item health survey version 2; SPADI, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index; ** beta and R2 are significant at 0.01 level; * beta and R2 are significant at 0.05 level. Significant beta and R2 are bolded.