Table 1: Patient demographics and baseline clinical characteristics when comparing the clinical outcomes between fractures with and without comminution.

Fractures without comminution
(n = 40)
Fractures with comminution
(n = 61)
Age, years 85 (54 - 97) 85 (65 - 98) 0.72*
Sex (F/M) 34/6 53/8 0.79†
Height, cm 148 (136 - 172) 149 (129 - 172) 0.26*
Weight, kg 45 (30 - 67) 45 (29 - 69) 0.44*
Implant type (plate/nail) 40/0 56/5 0.59†
Tip apex distance 16.9 (9.1 - 33.1) 18.7 (9.1 - 34.2) 0.09*

Results are expressed as median (range) unless stated otherwise.
* Mann-Whitney U test
† χ2 test