Fig. (2) Murine Model of Induced Osteolysis. Examples of 3D reconstructions of bone within a standardized cylindrical volume (total volume) from uCT analysis of mouse calvaria challenged with particles of (A) CoCrMo and (B) UHMWPE showing inflammatory bone loss. (C-H) The examples of the 3D top views of mouse calvaria show the skull surface of female mice and male mice that received CoCrMo (+Co alloy) or plastic (+UHMWPE) particles or underwent sham surgery (Control). (I) Micro-CT showed pronounced bone resorption in the CoCrMo and UHMWPE particle-treated groups compared to the respective sham control group. Comparison of the particle groups with each other revealed a significantly smaller BV/TV ratio in the female mice that received CoCrMo particles than in the female mice with PE particles or particle-treated male mice (Note: Error Bars indicate standard deviations, and p values of Students T test comparison are as follows: *=p<0.05, **=<0.01, ***=<0.001).