Table 1: Cases of nerve palsy in peroneal nerve reision.

Sex Diagnosis Leg Elongation
Palsy Degree Prognosis
Recovery Period Additional Surgery
1 58 F Completely Dislocated Hip 45 incomplete full 1 m
2 56 F Osteoarthritis for Trauma 35 incomplete full 2 m
3 51 F Completely Dislocated Hip 40 incomplete full 2 y Stem Revision
4 55 F Osteoarthritis for Subluxation 15 incomplete full 2 m
5 42 F Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head 20 incomplete full 6 m
6 74 F Completely Dislocated Hip 35 incomplete full 1 y
7 64 F Osteochondromatosis 5 complete no -
(2 y)
8 68 F Osteoarthritis for Subluxation 10 complete imperfection -
(7 y)
9 52 F Osteoarthritis for Subluxation 15 complete full 3 y -
10 60 F Osteoarthritis for Subluxation 20 complete no -
(4 y)
11 64 F Primary Osteoarthritis 10 complete no -
(3 y)
12 62 F Osteonecrosis of the femoral Head 10 complete no -
(2 y)
13 53 F Osteoarthritis for Subluxation 20 incomplete full 3 y -
14 60 F Osteoarthritis for Subluxation 10 incomplete full 3 m -

F: female
m: month
y: year