Table 3: Results of the univariate analyses of ultrasonography parameters for comparing low-grade and high-grade sarcomas.

Findings Low grade High grade p value
The longest diameter (mm) 118 ± 71* 107 ± 46* 0.80
Depth 0.57
Subcutaneous 6 15
Deep 14 21
Margin 0.005
Well-defined 17 17
Ill-defined 5 26
Echogenicity <0.0001
Hypoechoic 2 37
Iso/Hyperechoic 20 6
As continuous variable 3.1 ± 0.9* 3.9 ± 0.5* <0.0001
Type I 1 1 <0.0001
Type II 4 0
Type III 8 3
Type IV 9 39

*, mean ± standard deviation