Table 1: Demographic data of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury and ACL and meniscal injury groups.

- ACL injury, n=78 ACL and meniscal injury, n=48 Total, n=126 P value
Age (IQR) 29 (21-38) 26 (22-33) 28 (21-38) 0.277*
Gender (%)
Male 68 (87%) 39 (81%) 107 (85%) 0.444 #
Female 10 (13%) 9 (19%) 19 (15%)
BMI (%)
Underweight <18.5 2 (3%) 7 (15%) 4 (7%) 0.090 #
Normal 18.5-25 50 (64%) 27 (56%) 77 (61%)
Overweight >25-30 20 (26%) 11 (23%) 31 (25%)
Obese >30 6 (8%) 3 (6%) 9 (7%)
Months between injury and surgery (IQR)
Knee side 8 (2-8) 12 (1-12) 12 (2-12) 0.512 †
Right 40 (52%) 27 (58%) 67 (53%) 0.587 #
center 38 (47%) 21 (42%) 59 (47%)
Graft - - - -
Autograft 69 (88%) 42 (88%) 111 (88%) 0.871 #
Allograft 9 (12%) 6 (12%) 15 (12%)
Follow-up years after surgery (%) [min-max, median]
≤1 [0-1, 1] 39 (50%) 29 (60%) 68 (54%) 0.275 *
>1 [[2-4, 3]] 39 (50%) 19 (40%) 58 (46%)

Data are presented as median and inter quartile range (IQR) and frequency and percentages. *Mann-Whitney U test. # Chi2 test. † Student´s t-test. ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; IQR, interquartile range; BMI, body mass index.