Table 2: Comparison of the number of days prior to resumption of walking and the correlations in WBS scores at each time point between the first and second staged Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) procedures.

Postoperative time Time to walking (Days) WBS 24h WBS 48h WBS 72h
1st TKA 1 [1,1] (range 1 to 2) 3 [3,4] 3 [3,4] 3 [2,3]
2nd TKA 1 [1,2] (range 1 to 3) 3 [3,4] 3 [3,4] 3 [2,4]
p values 0.314 0.985 0.562 0.184

Values are expressed as n or median [25 percentile, 75 percentile].

WBS: Wong–Baker FACES pain assessment scale [13]