Table 2: rSO2 Values at Baseline, 20 Min After Anesthesia Induction, Intraoperative Minimum and Maximum, at End of Surgery and in the Recovery Room

Time Right Hemisphere Left Hemisphere p
Baseline 58.64 ± 9.91 [34-79] 60.09 ± 10.20 [38-88] 0.031
20 minutes after induction 61.99 ± 8.88*[36-78] 62.86 ± 9.00*[44-87] NS
Intraoperative minimum 50.36 ± 9.70[27-73] 51.36 ± 9.47[32-77] NS
Intraoperative maximum 72.25 ± 9.02[52-90] 73.39 ± 8.92[55-89] NS
End of surgery 61.14 ± 9.51*[37-86] 62.03 ± 9.18*[35-86] NS
In the recovery room 63.42 ± 11.18*[28-86] 64.33 ± 10.60*[34-89] NS

Data are presented as mean ± SD (minimum, maximum).
* p < 0.05 compared to baseline, NS means Not Significant.