Table 1: Knee Joint Fluid Culture Results Taken in Clinic Before the Patient Underwent Explant and Antibiotic Spacer Placement and During the Procedure Itself

Microorganism Preoperative Culture N=38 Intraoperative Culture N=67
N (%) N (%)
E. coli 4 (10.5%) 2 (3.0%)
Enterococcus 3 (7.9%) 4 (6.0%)
MSSA 8 (21.1%) 16 (23.9%)
MRSA 5 (13.2%) 11 (16.4%)
Streptococcus (other) 4 (10.5%) 6 (9.0%)
Micrococcus 0 1 (1.5%)
Corynebacterium 0 3 (4.5%)
Peptostreptococcus magnus 0 1 (1.5%)
E.coli/MSSA/P.mirabilis 0 1 (1.5%)
Other 3 (7.9%) 0
No growth 11 (29.0%) 22 (32.8%)
Missing 37 (--) 8 (--)