Table 3: Summary of Cases Reported About DF in the Ilium; NED: No Evidence of Recurrent Disease

Reference Age/Gender Site Radiographic Pattern History Initial Treatment Follow-Up Period Comment
Rabhan [24] 22y/M Right Initial diagnosis: fibrous dysplasia 2 months history of pain w/o hx of trauma wide local excision < 1y NED
10y/M Right Initial diagnosis: Legg-Perthes disease 3-4 months of pain w/o hx of trauma Curretage and graft 7ys Recurrence, wide local excision
24y/M Right Initial diagnosis: aneurysmal bone cyst 4,5 years of pain in right groin Curretage and graft 4ys Recurrence, second curretage and graft
Whitesides [25] 8y/M Right initial diagnosis: aneurysmal bone cyst or hemingioma 4 months of pain. Limp for 3 weeks Curretage and graft 21 months NED
Nilsonne [26] 30y/F Right Initial diagnosis: metastasis of uterine cancer 8 months of pain Curretage 12ys NED
Stadler [27] 15y/M Left N/A Three weeks of pain Curretage N/A N/A
Gebhardt [10] 28y/M Right N/A 6ys of intermittend pain and weakness Marginal resection with hemipelvic allograft 5,5ys NED
Goldman [28] 23y/M Right N/A 8 months of pain in right hip w/o trauma en bloc resection N/A N/A
Inwards [20] N/A N/A N/A N/A observation 11y slow progression
Nishida [12] 35y/M Left Benign bone tumor N/A Curretage and graft 9ys NED
Zhang [29] 49y/F Right Benign bone tumor mild tenderness Wide resection N/A N/A
Stefanidis [11] 56y/M Left Cortical breakthrough on CT-scan Lumbar pain. No hx of trauma Curettage and graft 6ys NED