Table 1: Patient characteristics.

H1T2 (n=59) T1H2 (n=41)
Sex (male/female) [n] 28 (47%) / 31 (53%) 14 (34%) / 27 (66%)
Age [years] 57±14 57±13
VAS [mm] 56±21 59±19
NPP [n] (%) 26 (44%) 17 (41%)
Spinal canal stenosis [n] (%) 10 (17%) 11 (27%)
Degenerative bone disease 1 [n] (%) 34 (58%) 21 (51%)
Sakroiliopathy [n] (%) 3 (5%) -
Diabetes mellitus [n] (%) 2 (3%) 2 4 (10%) 2
Polyneuropathy [n] (%) 2 (3%) 2 - 2
Treated with morphine [n] (%) 41 (69%) 24 (59%)
Treated with pregabalin [n] (%) 27 (46%) 21 (51%)

Mann-Whitney, student’s t-test and Fishers exact test had been used to analyse group differences. 1definded as osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, olisthesis, scoliosis; 2missing data for n=1. H1T2, first intervention with high-tone electrical muscle stimulation (HTEMS), second intervention with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS); T1H2, first intervention with TENS, second intervention with HTEMS; NPP, nucleus pulposus prolapse, VAS, visual analog scale.