Table 3: Forward stepwise regression of sensory test measurements (n=56).

Pain and Sensory Measurement Predictor B t R2 c F P value
Cold detection threshold (°C) Sex/Gendera 0.286 2.195 0.082 4.82 0.016
Warm detection threshold (°C) Sex/Gendera -0.226 -2.024 0.071 4.10 0.024
Heat pain threshold (°C) BMIb 0.374 2.965 0.140 8.79 0.002
Heat pain tolerance (°C) BMIb 0.361 2.841 0.130 8.07 0.003
Sex/Gendera -0.310 -2.341 0.212 5.48 0.010
Pressure pain threshold (kPa) Age 0.378 2.974 0.143 8.85 0.002
Cold pressor pain threshold (s) None
Cold pressor pain tolerance (s) Sex/Gendera -0.332 -2.585 0.110 6.68 0.006
Cold pressor pain intensity (100mm VAS) None
Cold pressor pain unpleasantness (100mm VAS) None

a Positive B indicates that men are associated with a higher value for the sensory test (dependent variable) and negative B indicates that women are associated with a lower value for the sensory test (dependent variable). b Positive B indicates that a higher predictor value is associated with a higher value for the sensory test (dependent variable) and negative B indicates that a higher predictor value is associated with a lower value for the sensory test (dependent variable). c R2 indicates the proportion of variance in the sensory test (dependent variable) explained by the predicator variable (independent variable). * Statistically significant at P < 0.05.