Symbols Designation Unit
A Cross-sectional area m2
g Gravitational acceleration ms-2
Pf Oil phase pressure kgm-1s-2
Pk Kinematic pressure kgm-1s-2
Ps Sand phase pressure kgm-1s-2
Pw Water phase pressure kgm-1s-2
qf Volume flow rate of oil m3s-1
qs Volume flow rate of sand m3s-1
qw Volume flow rate of water m3s-1
t Time hrs or s
Vm Volume of mixture m3
wo Oil velocity ms-1
ws Sand velocity ms-1
ww Water velocity ms-1
z Axial distance m
β Fluid-particle interaction coefficient kgm3s-1
Δz Change in length m
ε Oil concentration (volume fraction) -
ϕ Suspended sand concentration (volume fraction) -
σ Deposited sand concentration (volume fraction) -
ϕ’ Total sand concentration (volume fraction) -
θ Water concentration (volume fraction) -
ρf Oil density kg/m3
ρs Sand density kg/m3
ρw Water density kg/m3