Table 5: Relations between coefficients of C(P) and γ.

C(P) Equations of Coefficients of C(P) vs. γ R2
C1 a = (1.32073 + 0.02104 γ)1/1.06571 0.998
b = −0.00065 + 0.00012ln(γ + 5.37232) 0.986
c = (−1.1431×10−7)−2.1299×10−8(γ + 6.18217) 0.992
d = (−6.3934×10−12)−2.1299×10−8 (γ + 11.02309) 0.996
C2 a = 6.80525 + 7.38181 ln (γ −3) 0.983
b = 0.0133 + 0.004351 ln (γ −3) 0.894
c = (−2.3171×10−6) + 7.6818×10−7 ln (γ − 3) 0.942
d = (−1.5396×10−10) + 3.7431×10−11 ln (γ − 3) 0.978