Table 1: Degree of association, close contrast ratio and evaluation of compare sequence and reference sequence.

Influence factors Degree of association roi Association level βoi Sequencing
Buried depth 0.462 0.893 7
Thickness 0.421 0.812 10
Dip 0.404 0.781 13
Porosity 0.505 0.976 3
Permeability 0.509 0.983 2
Mobility 0.510 0.985 4
Storability 0.483 0.932 6
Reservoir temperature 0.452 0.872 9
Reservoir pressure 0.415 0.801 11
Oil saturation 0.495 0.955 5
Crude oil density 0.406 0.784 12
Crude oil viscosity 0.456 0.880 8
Average gas injection rate 0.518 1.000 1
Water/gas ratio 0.371 0.716 14