Table 1: The design of numerical simulation scenario.

No. Reservoir thickness (m) Dimensionless height from the top Distance between oil wells and water wells (m) Average permeability (10-3um2) Average remaining oil saturation Degree of perfection in the recovery process of horizontal wells (%)
1 2 0.125 150 150 0.40 0.00
2 2 0.250 200 250 0.45 25.00
3 2 0.375 250 400 0.50 50.00
4 2 0.500 300 600 0.55 75.00
5 2 0.625 350 800 0.60 100.00
6 3 0.125 200 400 0.55 100.00
7 3 0.250 250 600 0.60 0.00
8 3 0.375 300 800 0.40 25.00
9 3 0.500 350 150 0.45 50.00
10 3 0.625 150 250 0.50 75.00
11 4 0.125 250 800 0.45 75.00
12 4 0.250 300 150 0.50 100.00
13 4 0.375 350 250 0.55 0.00
14 4 0.500 150 400 0.60 25.00
15 4 0.625 200 600 0.40 50.00
16 5 0.125 300 250 0.60 50.00
17 5 0.250 350 400 0.40 75.00
18 5 0.375 150 600 0.45 100.00
19 5 0.500 200 800 0.50 0.00
20 5 0.625 250 150 0.55 25.00
21 6 0.125 350 600 0.50 25.00
22 6 0.250 150 800 0.55 50.00
23 6 0.375 200 150 0.60 75.00
24 6 0.500 250 250 0.40 100.00
25 6 0.625 300 400 0.45 0.00