Table 2: Body and liver Weights before and after 2 weeks of TPN administration (n=8).

Groups Before TPN After TPN p- values
Bodyweight (g) *
Control 1631.58 (10.01) 1666.33 (8.05) ns
STH-OO 1651.58 (10.21) 1682.56 (9.02) ns
STH-CO 1660.89 (9.50) 1689.44 (10.02) ns
STH-MVO 1676.02 (9.58) 1712.98 (12.53) < 0.05
STH-SO 1680.58 (9.89) 1739.65 (8.59) < 0.05
Liver Weight (g) *
Control 55.29 (5.11) 58.21 (4.31) ns
STH-OO 59.73 (6.35) 61.85 (3.45) ns
STH-CO 62.08 (5.05) 63.03 (4.89) ns
STH-MVO 68.77 (4.87) 73.03 (6.22) ns
STH-SO 70.98 (4.68) 78.99 (6.25) < 0.05

*Data representation (mean ± S.D); ns= not significant